PHP str_pad() Function

❮ PHP String Reference


Pad to the right side of the string, to a new length of 20 characters:

$str = "Hello World";
echo str_pad($str,20,".");
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Definition and Usage

The str_pad() function pads a string to a new length.



Parameter Description
string Required. Specifies the string to pad
length Required. Specifies the new string length. If this value is less than the original length of the string, nothing will be done
pad_string Optional. Specifies the string to use for padding. Default is whitespace
pad_type Optional. Specifies what side to pad the string.

Possible values:

  • STR_PAD_BOTH - Pad to both sides of the string. If not an even number, the right side gets the extra padding
  • STR_PAD_LEFT - Pad to the left side of the string
  • STR_PAD_RIGHT - Pad to the right side of the string. This is default

Technical Details

Return Value: Returns the padded string
PHP Version: 4.0.1+

More Examples

Example 1

Pad to the left side of the string:

$str = "Hello World";
echo str_pad($str,20,".",STR_PAD_LEFT);
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Example 1

Pad to both sides of the string:

$str = "Hello World";
echo str_pad($str,20,".:",STR_PAD_BOTH);
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❮ PHP String Reference